Fifty Posts Later

Winslow Marshall
2 min readDec 24, 2020

As I mark the 50th post on this blog today, I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who’ve followed along for the past 10 months. With so much quality content out there, and seemingly less time to consume it, I appreciate you inviting me into your inbox each week.

Since I launched this blog in March, a number of subscribers have expressed to me their interest in starting up something similar of their own. Whether it’s a blog or a podcast or a YouTube channel or a TikTok account…we each have a unique perspective on a particular topic we find interesting. It’s never been easier to share this perspective with the world. The beginning of a new year seems to me as good an opportunity as any to put the gears in motion to do so.

There are three simple pieces of advice that I’ve offered to those who’ve approached me about starting something up.

  1. Commit to a Cadence: Whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly — commit to a cadence with which you’ll publish content and hold yourself accountable to that commitment. There’ve certainly been weeks that I’ve struggled to find the time to post on this blog, but I didn’t view skipping a week as an option. This will inevitably lead to the occasional sub-quality post, but it will keep your momentum going.
  2. Keep it Short: Create content that is as short and succinct as possible. I honestly don’t think it’s realistic these days to expect someone to offer you more than three minutes. It’s sad, but it’s true. The shorter the content, the more realistic it also is that you’ll stick with your cadence.
  3. Just start…right now: It’s ridiculously easy to publish content (I’m happy to help if you need it). It will feel very uncomfortable to start putting your content out there, but that goes away with time. Your output won’t be perfect, but as a wise man once told me…perfect is the enemy of good.

If you have a unique perspective on a particular topic, is there any reason not to start sharing it with the world?

Merry Christmas!

Subscribe to my Blog: Three-Minute Reads, Every Thursday



Winslow Marshall

Posing thoughts and questions about the human experience.